7 Butterfly Species That Must Be Seen in Antalya

Gallery27 February 2020

There are 177 species of butterflies and 12 rich regions for butterfly watching in Antalya, these regions are as follows: “Elmalı-Kohu Mountains-Çığlı-Kara-Bostankatran-Yedigöller, Elmalı-Kohu Mountains-Çamkuyu, Akseki- Çimi Village-Çimi Plateau, İbradı- Üzümdere, Alanya-Gündoğmuş-Eğri Lake, Feslikan Plateau-Karçukuru- Saklıkent, Thermessos, Alanya plateaus, Korkuteli-Akçay-Gömbe, Kemer-Guzdere-Söğütcuması, Elmalı-Gümüşkavak plateau, Çakırlar-Pınarbaşı plateau-Söğüt Cuması-Hurma. ”

We have listed 7 amazing species of butterflies that can be seen in Antalya for you.

Source: Antalya Promotion Foundation 'Antalya Butterflies' Book

Photos: Prof. Dr. Olcay Yegin

Bavius Mavis

Likes the flowery valleys in the mountains, it is quite common in Antalya. It can be seen from mid-April to mid-June.

Anadolu Şehzadesi

It is one of the rare types of Antalya. It is found only in valleys in high altitude mountains. It can be seen from the beginning of May to the end of August.

Anadolu Azameti

Located in valleys and meadows in high altitude mountains, this species attracts attention with its bright orange color. It can be seen from mid-June to mid-August.

Büyük Mor Bakır

The purple feathers on the wings of men are larger. It is found in valleys and flowering meadows in high altitude mountains. It can be seen from the end of May to the middle of August.

İspanyol Zıpzıp

This species, found in wet valleys and flowering meadows in the mountains, can be seen from the beginning of May to the middle of October.

Alev Ateşi

This species, located in the valleys of high altitude mountains, attracts attention with its bright orange color. It is possible to see from May to September.

Sarı Antenli Zıpzıp

It is seen in all kinds of meadows. This species is quite common in Antalya. On the light orange brown wing, its dark veins create a contrast. It can be seen from the beginning of May to the middle of July.

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